Monday, October 24, 2011

Well, I never . . .

In all of my forty years I have never . . .
1.  Run further than 7 miles.  
2.  Swam with a dolphin. 
3.  Been fired.  
4.  Visited the Grand Canyon.
5.  Worked as a waitress. 
6.  Traveled in Italy. 
7.  Performed a successful back hand-spring. 
8.  Been a mom to only one child. 
9.  Been inked {or tatted or whatever it's called}
10.  Made a C or below on a report card. 
11.  Flown through or over the Bermuda Triangle. 
12.  Smoked. 
13.  Tried recreational drugs. 
14.  Had sex with Monica Lewisnsky {just seemed to all go together - and truly I haven't}.
15.  Become fluent in a second language. 
16.  Called NYC home. 
17.  Successfully skied a double black diamond {without sliding partially down on my butt}.
18.  Been to Disney World
19.  Read War and Peace.

20.  Traveled in a Airstream or travel trailer of any sort.  
21.  Cooked dinner over a camp fire. 
22.  Been to a World Series game {though the hubs is at his 3rd tonight. not that anyone is keeping track}. 

But I have . . .
1.  Smashed grapes with my bare feet. 
2.  Gone scuba diving with sharks in Bora Bora. 

3.  Eaten raw fish I could not identify in NYC. 
4.  Fed the homeless on Thanksgiving Day. 
5.  Watched my mother take her last breath.
6.  Danced like no one was watching. 
7.  Sang karaoke {though friends suggested I not do it again}. 
8.  Jumped out of an airplane! 
9.  Pierced my belly button {cringe}
10.  Breastfed twins.
11.  Graduated Suma Cum Laude. 
12.  Driven 3 hours in the middle of the night so I could be in the delivery room when a dear friend delivered her second child {thanks Ash}. 

13.  Had my picture taken with Victor from All My Children while wearing penis earrings {the epitome of classy, but sadly I cannot locate the pic}. 
14.  Laughed so hard I cried and peed in my pants {not related to #13}. 
15.  Caught and reeled in a 50lb. Dorado.
Cabos San Lucas circa 2001 {note belly piercing too}. 
16.  Barfed over the side of a boat. 
17.  Made a souffle {chocolate, of course}.
18.  Surfed in Hawaii with my hubs and kids. 
Little Miss Thang, Kauai 2010
19.  Let my children cry themselves to sleep.
20.  Suffered with infertility. 
21. Loved deeply.
22. Experienced the joy of raising twins!

 This post is based on a prompt from

Mama’s Losin’ It

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