In all of my forty years I have never . . .
1. Run further than 7 miles.
2. Swam with a dolphin.
3. Been fired.
4. Visited the Grand Canyon.
5. Worked as a waitress.
6. Traveled in Italy.
7. Performed a successful back hand-spring.
8. Been a mom to only one child.
9. Been inked {or tatted or whatever it's called}
10. Made a C or below on a report card.
11. Flown through or over the Bermuda Triangle.
12. Smoked.
13. Tried recreational drugs.
14. Had sex with Monica Lewisnsky {just seemed to all go together - and truly I haven't}.
15. Become fluent in a second language.
16. Called NYC home.
17. Successfully skied a double black diamond {without sliding partially down on my butt}.
18. Been to Disney World.
19. Read War and Peace.
20. Traveled in a Airstream or travel trailer of any sort.
21. Cooked dinner over a camp fire.
22. Been to a World Series game {though the hubs is at his 3rd tonight. not that anyone is keeping track}.
But I have . . .
1. Smashed grapes with my bare feet.
2. Gone scuba diving with sharks in Bora Bora.
3. Eaten raw fish I could not identify in NYC.
4. Fed the homeless on Thanksgiving Day.
5. Watched my mother take her last breath.
6. Danced like no one was watching.
7. Sang karaoke {though friends suggested I not do it again}.
8. Jumped out of an airplane!
9. Pierced my belly button {cringe}
10. Breastfed twins.
11. Graduated Suma Cum Laude.
12. Driven 3 hours in the middle of the night so I could be in the delivery room when a dear friend delivered her second child {thanks Ash}.
13. Had my picture taken with Victor from All My Children while wearing penis earrings {the epitome of classy, but sadly I cannot locate the pic}.
14. Laughed so hard I cried and peed in my pants {not related to #13}.
15. Caught and reeled in a 50lb. Dorado.
Cabos San Lucas circa 2001 {note belly piercing too}. |
16. Barfed over the side of a boat.
17. Made a souffle {chocolate, of course}.
18. Surfed in Hawaii with my hubs and kids.
Little Miss Thang, Kauai 2010 |
19. Let my children cry themselves to sleep.
20. Suffered with infertility.
21. Loved deeply.
22. Experienced the joy of raising twins!
This post is based on a prompt from