And quite frankly, I am challenged daily by providing them with the right advice. The right words. The wisdom they'll need to make it in the world. I fear my words fall short.
They are both adjusting well to their new classes, schedules and friends, but I worry. Am I alone here? I fear not. I worry they will make the right friends. I worry we are in the right activities. I worry about giving them enough freedom so they can learn to make wise decisions. But, of course, not too much freedom.

So, here are some of the principles I hope to instill over the next 10+ years:
- It's the accumulation of many small decisions over time, more so than the few big ones, that chart the paths you take in life.
- Be grateful for every thing no matter how inconsequential it may seem. Being grateful attracts more things into your life to be grateful for.
- There is a difference between being tenacious and swimming upstream. Learn to distinguish between the two for one leads to success and the other to frustration.
- Work daily on your relationship with God even, if it's just a simple "good morning" and "good night", for it will provide you with a level of peace, security and contentment that no person can give you.
- Be curious about the habits of highly evolved and successful people and apply them to your life.
- Exercise your physical talents as often as possible because the day you realize you can no longer do that gainer off the diving board you will experience a sense of lost that's like a death.
- Spend time with your grandparents and ask lots of questions because when you get older you will develop an insatiable curiosity about your heritage.
- There really is such a thing as karma. You will get back exactly what you put out.
- Your family loves you and cares more deeply about you than anyone and always has your best interest at heart.
- Trust your instincts for they are an invaluable tool. If something doesn't feel right, it usually isn't.
- Outward appearances mean nothing if you are not grounded and confident. It is never enough just to be a pretty girl / attractive guy.
- No boy / girl is worth pushing your values and instincts aside for.
- Although 'tis always nice to give people room to grow, most personalities are set by first grade. Adjust your expectations accordingly and you will save yourself a world of hurt and disappointment.
- Your grades and study habits will shape the rest of your life and provide you the best opportunity for a life of independence and success.
- Everything in moderation is best, time does heal all wounds and, this too will pass.
- And my newest motto from Katherine Center - "You are writing the story of your only life every single minute of every day. And my greatest hope for you, sweet child, is that I can teach you how to write a good one."
What are some of your parenting goals? Or what wisdom do you hope to instill over the years?