Monday, October 31, 2011

Halloweens' Past.

Halloween is a big occasion at our house. We live on a boulevard of sorts and kids come from far and wide to trick-or-treat on this street. And we've been spending Halloween on our street far before it even was our street. The tradition started at our good friend's, and my duo's godparent's house, before either of us even had children. 

Of course, as soon as our duo was born they joined in the madness. 

Unwillingly at first. 

Here's a glimpse of the ghouls and goblins of our Halloweens' Past narrated by the duo themselves. 

Little Miss Thang - Mom, we are only seven months old and have no idea why you are insistent on torturing us. This dress does not fit {size 6 to 18 mos - that doesn't even make any sense} and is horribly scratchy. And no, I'm not posing with my hand, I'm trying to get this stupid "crown" off my head. I have no hair - deal with it and stop putting uncomfortable headbands on my head. 

Boy Genius - Mom, I've lost 2 pounds of body weight sweating in this costume while you attempt to get both of us looking anywhere near the camera. I only weigh about 14 pounds so you better get me out of it before the neighbors call CPS. 

Little Miss Thang - Seriously, wild indians?! So not politically correct. 

Boy Genius - Hey, at least I'm comfortable. Check out our cousins {really friends and our goddaughters} dressed as chicks.  

Little Miss Thang - Yes, this dress finally fits but it is still scratchy. I see I finally have enough hair to wear a proper crown. But don't think I didn't notice you wouldn't even spring for a new costume for me this year. You've always loved him more. 

Boy Genius - I'm sweating . . .  again. Ninety percent humidity and you dress me in vinyl!?! 

Little Miss Thang -  This is perfect. Perfect. You finally nailed it. I am a vision of pink perfection. 

Boy Genius - Go Diego Go! Yes, you have told me at least 30 times but I know I will never understand or appreciate the extreme lengths to which you went to find this official rescue pack and vest. Thanks, though, it feels good to spend the evening without sweat trickling down my brow.

Little Miss Thang - I finally get to wear high heels. And makeup {self-applied}. Squeal!  

Boy Genius - I know I wanted to be Buzz Lightyear, but another Halloween with ninety percent humidity - really!? Remind me next year to bulk up mid-October. I think I'm back down to my 3-year-old weight. 

Little Miss Thang - "I'm not a doctor, I'm a surgeon. They are the best." I will never wear makeup again. And I hate pink.  

Boy Genius - Let me show you how I can turn a penny into a dime. But no, I cannot turn your $1 into $100.  You are not the first person to ask. 

Little Miss Thang - I finally realized Chasing Fireflies has a stunning display of Halloween costumes. And, no, this is not makeup - it is artistic face painting. 

Boy Genius - Again with the long story about the trouble you went through to get this costume! Will a simple thank you suffice? Let the wild rumpus begin! And can she get her feathers out of my face?!

Little Miss Thang - Yes, I want to go trick-or-treating barefoot. If you won't let me wear black high heels then I'm forced to go barefoot. 

Boy Genius - I would never go barefoot. I already put my shoes on without you even having to ask. You've always loved me more.  Obviously.

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