The task was simple: list 10 songs that define your youth.
Problem is, I couldn't stop at 10. Nor was I willing to admit that my "youth" is a thing of the very distant past {delusional, I know}. And then I realized, I really had more favorite albums than songs {I'm loyal like that}.
So instead of 10, I listed 20.
Instead of songs, I listed albums.
And instead of sticking with a pure definition of "youth", I drew the line in my mid-30s.
Because, friends, I don't like being confined by rules. When I sit down to over-share, I over-share on my own terms.
So here you have the 10 20 songs albums that define my youth life:
2. Carly Simon - You're So Vain - My mother's album, but one to which I spent countless hours in the basement choreographing fabulous dance routines.
3. The Muppets - I'm not joking - these were my formative years and this is what was available.
4. Abba - Gold - Don't get me started. I've belted out "Dancing Queen" more times than I can count. By age 5 my kids knew the lyrics to Dancing Queen. An absolute classic. If it's not on your list, I'm surprised we're even friends.
5. Madonna - Holiday - My BFF and I both wore fingerless lace gloves to the 8th Grade Dance. Need I say more? I won't even mention my hair.
6. Grease - Soundtrack - This was my High School Musical. Literally.
7. The Outfield - Play Deep - Possibly my favorite album. Loads of amazing memories associated with it. Including memories involving a boyfriend, a BFF, a four pack of Bartles & James wine coolers and a little brown car with crank windows and no air conditioning. Good times.
8. Yaz - Upstairs at Eric's / Depeche Mode - Violator / Erasure - The Circus / Chorus / Wild - I realize this is more than one album, but they all mesh together in my mind. And all remind me of crazy {relative term} high school memories. This was the music of football games {driving to and fro}, driving backwards in Ashley's Buick, school dances, slumber parties, and weekends at Renee's when her parents were at their ranch. Every time I hear any song from these albums I immediately crave a wine cooler. Pavlov's dog.
9. Journey - Greatest Hits - This reminds me of high school and my brother -- I believe he introduced me to Journey {in addition to other things which I shall not mention}.
10. St. Elmos's Fire - Soundtrack - Yes, I loved this movie, and thus, this album. It was a cassette. Possibly copied from a friend's cassette. I can hear the musical theme song in my head right now.
11. Alphaville - Singles Collection - "Forever Young" was our Senior Song. I still love it and can recite it word for word. Okay, maybe not word for word, but I'm awesome at singing it in my head.
12. Pretty Woman - Soundtrack - College. Loved this movie. I believe it was the first movie I ever purchased to watch repeatedly at home {VHS of course}. I went through quite a soundtrack phase.
13. Cure - Wish - College. My college roommate {freshman year} had a poster of the Cure in our dorm room and we played this album {a CD - one of my first} pretty much non-stop. In related news, I may have been a victim to the clubbing scene in the late 80s - early 90s. Which is why you will never {ever} see a picture of me taken after 10 pm on any night circa 1989-1990. Thankfully, I settled down after my first year of college.
14. 10,000 Maniacs - Our Time in Eden - "These Are Days" is one of my all-time favorite songs. I can specifically remember blaring it in the car driving around Dallas for my BFF's bachelorette party. Those were the days indeed!
15. Alanis Morrisette - Jagged Little Pill - Law school music. I would literally SCREAM {all caps warranted} along with this album {especially "You Ought to Know"} while driving my little red Miata home from finals. A surprisingly refreshing release.
15. Alanis Morrisette - Jagged Little Pill - Law school music. I would literally SCREAM {all caps warranted} along with this album {especially "You Ought to Know"} while driving my little red Miata home from finals. A surprisingly refreshing release.
16. Dixie Chicks - Fly - Reminds me of falling in love with the hubs. "Cowboy Take Me Away" was my theme song of 2001. And he did indeed. We were married and moved in 2003.
17. Jack Ingram - Jack Ingram - Part of my Texas / country phase. And because he sings "A Song for Amy".
17. Jack Ingram - Jack Ingram - Part of my Texas / country phase. And because he sings "A Song for Amy".
18. Kelly Willis - What I Deserve - The Hubs introduced me to Kelly at a great little club in Houston called the Mucky Duck. We were regulars every time she and/or Bruce came to the Duck. I especially love when she unplugs. Her voice is . . . absolutely amazing. Side note: we had twins within a month of each other. Yes, I'm a bit of a Kelly stalker.
19. Laurie Berkner - Buzz Buzz - Major transition in my life: twins. Around 2005 when I had twin toddlers I became a big fan of Laurie. Buzz Buzz managed to put us all in a good mood. I will never forget these upbeat songs and the simple little music videos on Noggin. My kids loved to dance to Laurie. And I absolutely adored watching my toddlers light up and dance.
20. Adele - 19 - This lady can sing. I was introduced to her, along with most of America, when she was lucky enough to sing on SNL during the infamous Sarah Palin / Tina Fey skits. I can't get enough of her, but I will always associate her with the 2008 election. Did I mention I met Bill Clinton around this same time?!? Well, that's another story for another day.
Join the list-making fun at Moment's that Define Life.