The Royal Wedding countdown madness has officially reached fever-pitch! You certainly didn't think I was going to let it go unmentioned, did you?
Well, actually, I may have but for the fact that the internet is positively abuzz with news {and I use that term lightly} that Prince William requested Chocolate Biscuit Cake adapted from royal chef Darren McGrady’s recipe as his dessert of choice for the festivities.
This no-bake cake may be lowbrow but one bite and I bet you'll be smitten too: imagine a souped-up, chocolate covered Rice Krispies treat made with animal or graham crackers (American substitute for the traditional digestives the Brits use).
Guess what I'll be eating at 5am on Friday morning?
You are cordially invited to indulge royally!
Chocolate Biscuit Cake This no-bake cake may be lowbrow but one bite and I bet you'll be smitten too: imagine a souped-up, chocolate covered Rice Krispies treat made with animal or graham crackers (American substitute for the traditional digestives the Brits use).
Guess what I'll be eating at 5am on Friday morning?
You are cordially invited to indulge royally!
authentic version by Darren McGrady
4 ounces dark chocolate
4 ounces granulated sugar.
4 ounces unsalted butter
1 egg
8 ounces Rich tea biscuits (Amy note: substitute animal crackers or graham crackers)
½ teaspoon butter for greasing
8 ounces dark chocolate (for coating)
1 ounce chocolate (for decoration)
Lightly grease a 6 inch by 2 ½ inch cake ring and place on a tray on a sheet of parchment paper. Break each of the biscuits into almond size pieces by hand and set aside. Cream the butter and sugar in a bowl until the mixture starts to lighten. Melt the 4 ounces of chocolate and add to the butter mixture whilst constantly stirring. Beat in the egg to the mixture. Fold in the biscuit pieces until they are all coated with the chocolate mixture. Spoon the mixture into the prepared cake ring. Try to fill all of the gaps on the bottom of the ring because this will be the top when it is un-molded.
Chill the cake in the refrigerator for at least three hours. Remove the cake from the refrigerator and let it stand while you melt the 8 ounces of chocolate. Slide the ring off the cake and turn it upside down onto a cake wire. Pour the melted chocolate over the cake and smooth the top and sides using a palette knife.
Allow the chocolate to set at room temperature. Carefully run a knife around the bottom of the cake where the chocolate has stuck it to the cake wire and lift it onto a tea plate.
Melt the remaining 1 ounce of chocolate and use to decorate the top of the cake.
Or, if you prefer a less authentic but easy-like-Rice Krispies version try the one created by Tea & Sympathy in NYC.
Prince William’s Chocolate Crunch Cake
For the cake
1 box graham crackers
¼ c. raisins
¼ c. nuts, chopped
5 oz. dark chocolate
5 oz. milk chocolate
1 stick butter, room temp.
1 14-oz. can condensed milk
For the topping
5 oz. dark chocolate
1 tsp. milk
In a large metal bowl, crumble graham crackers into bite-size pieces. Add raisins and nuts. In a saucepan, melt chocolates, butter, and milk. Stir frequently so chocolate doesn’t burn. Add melted mixture to crackers and stir until dispersed. Line an 11-by-7-inch pan with waxed paper. Pour mixture into pan; spread evenly. Refrigerate for 2 hours.
For the topping, combine ingredients in a saucepan; stir until melted. Remove cake from fridge and cover with topping. Cut into squares and serve.
Watch a video demonstration of this version here.
Either way it sounds like ooey-gooey chocolatey goodness!
Do you have plans to watch the royal nuptials early Friday morning or otherwise celebrate William's and Kate's big day?