It is an interesting exercise and amazing to hear what they think about you! I plan to do this again in another year or two to see how the answers change over time. The results are both mildly humorous and humbling.
I'm considering sitting the Hubs down and asking him the same set of questions. I wonder if his answers would be any more accurate? I'm not even sure I want to know. I do know, however, that he realizes I tolerate, but do not love, salad. And if he ever suggested that I was good at "sleeping in", we would henceforth require a marriage counselor on speed dial!
Little Miss Thang's Answers:
1. What is something I always say to you? I love you.
2. What makes me happy? When I tickle you.
3. What makes me sad? When I'm being mean
4. How do I make you laugh? tickle me
5. What do you think I was like as a child? blond hair and you had a kitty cat
6. How old am I? 28
7. How tall am I? 42 inches
8. What is my favorite thing to do? pilates
9. What do I do when you're not around? gardening
10. If I become famous, what will it be for? President
11. What am I really good at? ski jump (Wii fit reference, not a real one)
12. What am I not really good at? soccer
13. What is my job? lawyer
14. What is my favorite food? salad
15. What makes you proud of me? when you won a bowling trophy
16. If I were a cartoon character, who would I be? superwoman
17. What do you and I do together? shopping
18. How are we the same? blond hair
19. How are you and I different? you have green eyes and i have blue
20. How do you know that I love you? because I'm your child
21. Where is my favorite place to go? sea world
3. What makes me sad? When I'm being mean
4. How do I make you laugh? tickle me
5. What do you think I was like as a child? blond hair and you had a kitty cat
6. How old am I? 28
7. How tall am I? 42 inches
8. What is my favorite thing to do? pilates
9. What do I do when you're not around? gardening
10. If I become famous, what will it be for? President
11. What am I really good at? ski jump (Wii fit reference, not a real one)
12. What am I not really good at? soccer
13. What is my job? lawyer
14. What is my favorite food? salad
15. What makes you proud of me? when you won a bowling trophy
16. If I were a cartoon character, who would I be? superwoman
17. What do you and I do together? shopping
18. How are we the same? blond hair
19. How are you and I different? you have green eyes and i have blue
20. How do you know that I love you? because I'm your child
21. Where is my favorite place to go? sea world
My Little Guy's answers:
1. What is something I always say to you? I love you
2. What makes me happy? when I snuggle with you
3. What makes me sad? if i don't play a game with you
4. How do I make you laugh? tickle me
5. What do you think I was like as a child? a little girl
6. How old am I? 38
7. How tall am I? 96 inches
8. What is my favorite thing to do? play with me
9. What do I do when you're not around? work
10. If I become famous, what will it be for? cooking
11. What am I really good at? sleeping in
12. What am I not really good at? soccer
13. What is my job? selling clothes
14. What is my favorite food? salad
15. What makes you proud of me? when you play with me
16. If I were a cartoon character, who would I be? Mr. Guinea Pig (Pinky Dinky Doo)
17. What do you and I do together? ride bikes
18. How are we the same? blond hair
19. How are you and I different? you have green eyes and i have blue
20. How do you know that I love you? hugs and kisses
21. Where is my favorite place to go? the aquarium
3. What makes me sad? if i don't play a game with you
4. How do I make you laugh? tickle me
5. What do you think I was like as a child? a little girl
6. How old am I? 38
7. How tall am I? 96 inches
8. What is my favorite thing to do? play with me
9. What do I do when you're not around? work
10. If I become famous, what will it be for? cooking
11. What am I really good at? sleeping in
12. What am I not really good at? soccer
13. What is my job? selling clothes
14. What is my favorite food? salad
15. What makes you proud of me? when you play with me
16. If I were a cartoon character, who would I be? Mr. Guinea Pig (Pinky Dinky Doo)
17. What do you and I do together? ride bikes
18. How are we the same? blond hair
19. How are you and I different? you have green eyes and i have blue
20. How do you know that I love you? hugs and kisses
21. Where is my favorite place to go? the aquarium
What is the funniest thing your child ever said about you? And how do you think the media will caricature a 42 inch President who enjoys hangin' at Sea World?

Back in the days when I had another blog, I interviewed my kids. They said that when I wasn't with them I slept. I love how one kids says you are a lawyer and the other says you sell are very busy!!
Two jobs and yet I have time for Pilates, cooking, gardening, and tickling. Busy, indeed!
this is such a neat it...and this picture of you all is gorgeous! i'll have to do an interview tonight! i mean a real interview..haha:)
Thanks, Vic.
I love your questions! My boys would answer for their teachers seriously, but for me, they would try to be comics! I miss the days when they would say things sweet like "She sings me to sleep, reads me bedtime stories, makes me hot chocolate." My first post was a Mother's Day Poem from one son who said, "I was a stick that would never be broken." That kind of awed me!
Awesome picture!!!!
Funny! I did one of these on Facebook a couple of years ago. Amazing what they really think. lol I am a new follower and hope you will follow me too at
I really like this idea. And it scares me as well. Oh the honesty of children.
This is so cute! Your kids gave the most adorable answers :)
What I really want to know is, is salad truly your favorite food? lol
I wish salad was my favorite food. My skinny jeans would thank me too!
That is so cute! I need to ask my kids these questions!
These are so cute! I love their perspective. You are funny:) I'm with you though...if my husband ever said I was good at sleeping in, yeah, we'd have problems.
Great stuff - and did you have a kitty cat as a little girl? ;-)
Flipper Tribe
That's awesome. You are supermom. Those two young'ns obviously know they are loved. Who could ask for more?
Sorry to read of your apparent lack of soccer skills. I did win a gold medal in the Olympics playing soccer so next time I'm in town I'll walk you through some of the basics.
Hehe! This is so funny. So your either very tall or very short...
Yes I did have a kitty cat when I was little. I am neither 42 inches nor 96 inches but somewhere safely in between the extremes.
And yes, I love my kids fiercely. With ever fiber of my being. I am proud that they recognize that.
T- would love to learn some soccer skills during your next visit. You sure do have lots of gold medals hanging around!!!
I love the answers that come out of the mouths of babes!
I like browsing your website for the reason that you can always bring us fresh and awesome things, I feel that I ought to at least say thanks for your hard work.
- Henry
Thank you, Henry! I'm glad you enjoy my posts!
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