I love to read. Have I ever mentioned that?! I really, really love to read. I can completely immerse myself in a novel and lose track of reality. Truly. I find myself annoyed with my "real" family interrupting me when I am clearly engrossed in 16th century England. I'm quite certain neither of the Boleyn sisters had to deal with their children screaming, "mom, mom!" from the bottom of the stairs.
I am often, however, lost searching for a new title to quench my thirst. And occasionally I thirst for something educational. Ok, let's be clear: I am not nor could I pursue a Ph.D. in Comparative Lit! (Wouldn’t the best part have been sounding smart at cocktail parties, anyway?) But I do enjoy historical fiction. That is, if it is done right (thoroughly researched and engrossing nonetheless). That said, I also enjoy chick lit from time to time (sometimes more times than others). I adore
Marian Keyes, have read everything she has written and anxiously await her next release. When interests are diverse it is hard to stay abreast of the best and brightest among new authors and their works.

Thankfully, the good people over at
Five Books know it’s much more fun to be a quasi-expert in a lot of things. At Five Books, a prominent expert or thinker will deliver you a mini-syllabus of five books to read on a topic each day, with the aim of arming you with indispensable knowledge of Elizabeth I or China in the world economy or cakes (hey, you never know!). Alpha female Sophie Kinsella, who wrote the enormously popular Shopaholic series, delivers the best and the pinkest chick lit, choosing both a well-seasoned author of the canon (Marian Keyes - yea!) and a deep cut from the 1930s (The Diary of a Provincial Lady, by E.M. Delafield). Peruse the Five Books archives, sorted by topic, which revives the fun of reading the college course catalog—tuition not required.