Friday, September 17, 2010

Weekend Words of Wisdom.

All it's missing is:

Eat. Most problems can be solved over a good meal shared with family or friends. 

And sometimes shop! Because everyone feels better when wearing a new frock. 

Happy weekend!


Jennifer said...

My friend and I say that donuts make everything better. Of course that could explain why I need to lose weight....

Eat. Live. Laugh. and sometimes shop! said...

For me it's cake. And champagne. Preferably together.

Anonymous said...

I did the shopping this morning and inhaled some fruit chew this afternoon. I have shopping and eating covered.

Stopping from Mom Loop. Come by and join the Friday Follow

Katie Lane said...


Rachel Cotterill said...

I like your additions - coffee and cake solves almost everything :)

Roo {NiceGirlNotes} said...

I agree! My husband always says that when we're arguing and I'm extra cranky... he either makes me a sandwich or orders out and I am immediately 20x happier. ;) Takeout and dessert - it's the key to a good marriage, y'all. :P

petitecarousel said...

you forgot chocolates!

Eat. Live. Laugh. and sometimes shop! said...

Oh my! I feel like I just forgot my child in the car -- yes, chocolates!!!

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