This weekend we had the hub's cousin and wife join us for a few days. We planned a night out for the adults and golfing for the guys. We hoped to sandwich those activities between a little pool and/or beach time. Reservations made. Check. Swimsuits packed. Check. Golf clubs packed. Check. What was not planned nor even anticipated, however, was tropical storm-like rains. All weekend. We received over 9 inches of rain in the 48 hours they spent with us. And it was not just a steady, annoying rain, but spurts of torrential downpours followed by a steady rain. Miserable. Soccer games were cancelled. Roads were impassable.
With no feasible weekend plans we did what any other God-fearing American family would do -- we sat in front of the TV and watched football. The entire weekend. We don't generally spend much time watching TV, much less an entire weekend.
The kids were in heaven. Little Miss Thang, quite predictably, opted out of football and instead watched much too much Disney Channel in a separate room. My Little Guy has become intrigued by obsessed with the books series and corresponding computer game The 39 Clues. He was glued to the computer trying to decipher clues. Heaven.

I suppose, I should back up and provide a bit of background on our guest: The hub's cousin, T, is a bit of a character. I can say that. Even on my blog. I promise he is not at all offended. He joked with the kids all weekend. At one point Little Miss Thang said "Uncle T should be a funny guy in the circus." This is, of course, the highest praise. So when we sit down to our family game of Parcheesi, T begins the trash talking. He even drops this line: "You know I won a gold medal in Parcheesi, right?" My kids are literally rolling they are laughing so hard. My Little Guy, responds with "there is no Parcheesi in the Olympics, Uncle T." This goes on and on and on and on. As it turns out T killed us all at Parcheesi and reminds us that it was too be expected. After all, he did win a gold medal at the Olympics. Queue kids rolling on floor in laughter again. And again. All weekend long.
It was a good day. A good weekend. It was totally unexpected and not at all what we planned. By Sunday we were little scouring the house for food (certainly not how I generally like to entertain). But isn't that the beauty of family? It didn't matter one bit. I didn't feel self-conscious that the food wasn't Martha Stewart perfect. We were lazy and happy and ate perfectly well. It was a wonderful weekend with family. All pretenses gone.
And it made me wonder: Do all those traditional activities that usually fill our days and nights provide the memories that last forever or is it the unplanned, the unscripted which are seared into our mental scrapbooks? I think it the latter. I think it is the unusual that stands out in our minds. The weekends we couldn't plan. The moments that take place over a family game of Parcheesi on a rainy day. I guarantee my kids will remember this weekend and their Uncle T for a long, long time. To ensure that result Uncle T emailed this photo to me this morning.

I don't remember my brother winning a gold medal for playing Parcheesi in the Olympics! ;)
Steph - I cannot believe you didn't make it to Vancouver to support him!
Found you on Mom Loop! This sounds like it was a great weekend filled with wonderful people.
I'm sorry your big plans were ruined, though it sounds like you had just as much fun sticking with Plan B.
We used to take family vacations with my mom's cousin, her husband and their daughter. Some of the most memorable times with them, though, were doing things like playing games in the rental house.
Found you via Cup of Jenn! The uncle sounds hilarious! And it's all the more funnier that he one. I bet that fed the ego!!
That is the beauty of being a child, it doesn't take much to entertain one. You don't need complicated plans or fancy toys. I remember the more intimate and cozy times at home with my family more than trips to Disney World.
Looking forward to reading more!
Jennie Pie
"Capturing Sweet in the East"
Ignore Steph she's a little older than we are and her memory is a bit challenged.
Next time we visit, I'd love to see the actual gold medal.
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