First off, some exciting news: Eat. Live. Laugh. and sometimes shop! is now! That's right -- the "" training wheels are off! Please make sure to update your bookmarks.
Your feed should transition automatically,
but please double check and let me know if you experience any problems.
(And if you aren't subscribed, well -- why aren't you?! --
subscribe right over here in the sidebar.)
And in other exciting news . . .
Thank you to Mom of Two Boys who bestowed upon me
this One Lovely Blog Award!
It so nice to know that people are reading and enjoying my content!
Thank you!
As per the official rules, I must:
1. Accept the award and acknowledge the person who bestowed it upon me.
Thank you, again M.O.T.B. ;
2. Pay it forward to 15 newly discovered blogs I enjoy; and
3. Let them know I think they too are lovely!
Don't mind if I do!

Congrats on being awesome! Found you on have a great blog! Love it and now following. Check out mine if you wish!
Aww - thanks!
Congrats on the switch to your own domain! I made the switch about 2 months ago. You are doing a great job!
my feed actually worked...most usually don't so thats cool-congrats and thank you my dear! i hope your having a beautiful morn! xoxo
THANK YOU! THIS MADE MY DAY- what a way to wake up :)
Congrats! I just found your blog. I love it! By the way, I'm having a giveaway, so be sure to check it out!
Thank you, thank you!!!! :D
Congrats on the new domain!
I'm a new follower! I found you through Thirsty Thursday Blog Hop.
Congratulations! I'm your newest follower from Thursday blog hops. Looking forward to reading more. Mine is Hope you'll stop by :)
Congrats! I'm a new follower from Thirsty THursday. You're a great writer- can't wait to read more posts. Stop by my blog when you can. Thanx
Wow! Thank you! I'm honored! I will be picking this blog up this weekend on my blog :-) I heart awards...warm fuzzies all around!
Congratulations! It is a well-deserved award. You never fail to entertain me! And thank you so much for naming my blog. What an honor!
congratulations on the domain purchase, exciting isn't it? and congrats too on your award! :)
Congratulations on the award and on your new domain! That's so exciting! :) I've placed the award in my handy little trophy case (which can be found in the menu on my blog's home page) linking back to you.
Again, congratulations and thanks for stopping by the other day.
Kristi, Live and Love...Out Loud
PS Following you via Google Friend Connect!
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