Thursday, April 5, 2012

Weekend Words of Wisdom.

I am fine. 

I am. 


But I have to say, it is weeks like this when I yearn to call my Dad and hear his gentle voice. I know if we could talk, for even five minutes, his words would perfectly comfort and encourage me.  

Just one more phone call.  

Just one more!?  

I need his words of wisdom. 

I need his calming presence in my life. 

. . . 

In lieu of my Dad's words, I found these words attributed to Mother Teresa. 

I suppose it's not such a shabby Plan B.

via Lindsay Whitehead on Etsy 

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If you have not already entered, do not miss the opportunity to win a gorgeous 100% silk charmeuse poncho by Lesley Evers!  The giveaway closes today -- Thursday, April 5th.

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