No, really.
I have all I need and more.
But, if there were a few thousands {or more likely, tens of thousands} laying around, this would be my ultimate Christmas morning fantasy.
1. J Crew long sleeve sweater, 2. J.Crew skinny leg jeans, 3. Prada logo bag, 4. Lanvin ballet shoes, 5. Devon Leigh 24k earrings, 6. Amrita singh owl necklace, 7. Rimowa Salsa Air 26" Multiwheel Trolley Suitcase.
Jetting off the day after Christmas to spend a week {including my birthday and New Year's} in Paris - j'adore that idea!!
Une fille peut rĂªver {a girl can dream}.
The Hubs, of course, has his own list and I'm pretty sure this tops it.
So, I suppose we are both dreamers.
Quite happy and content in reality, but dreamers nonetheless!
I hope you all have a very dreamy Christmas!!