Friday, December 16, 2011

25 Questions: Holiday Style

When I ran across Anna's Holiday Survey today, I thought: this is exactly what I need. Not only is a list of 25 questions an easy way for me to force myself to sit down and write. But, I've focused all week on my stinkin' cold and am ready for a little holiday cheer. 

I need a little holiday cheer. 

I'm going to create a little holiday cheer around here despite the 13,001 kleenex balls I've littered about the house over the last 5 days.

So here we go. Join in if you'd like. There is no linky or requirements. You do not have to forward this to 20 friends and even if you do, nothing particularly special will occur fifteen minutes later. Except, of course, the holiday cheer you'll create when you're smiling ear to ear reading responses and considering your own!

25 Questions: Holiday Style

1. Eggnog or hot chocolate?  Eggnog laced with bourbon and topped with freshly grated nutmeg. {yes, I grate it fresh for every glass.}

2. Does Santa wrap presents or just sit them under the tree?  Santa leaves unwrapped presents next to your stocking.

3. Colored lights on tree/house or white?  White inside and out.  Except this year we've wrapped a tree in LED colored lights.  It looks a bit like Dr. Seuss stopped by our otherwise traditional home. 

4. Do you hang mistletoe?  We don't have much mistletoes in these parts, but we did when I was young. 

5. When do you hang your decorations up?  The first weekend in December, generally speaking. 

this picture doesn't have a point, but isn't he cute in his Christmas finest?!
6. What is your favorite holiday dish (excluding dessert)?  Tenderloin from Perini Ranch Steakhouse.  It is our Christmas Eve dinner tradition. 

7. Favorite holiday memory as a child? Snow! I spent my first ten years of life in Iowa so nearly every Christmas was a white Christmas.  I adore Texas, but miss my white Christmases. 

8. What is on your Christmas wish list?  Absolutely nothing.  I have everything I need. 

9. Do you open a gifts on Christmas Eve?  Just Christmas pajamas {see tree #2 pic below}!

10. How do you decorate your Christmas tree?  We have two -- one in my formal living room that is decorated with multi-colored large glass ornaments and one in our family room that is decorated with all the ornaments my kids have made and those we've collected over the years. 

tree #1 - 2010

tree # 2 - 2010
{wearing just opened Christmas PJs on Christmas Eve}
11. Snow? Love it or dread it?  Love it.  Of course, we rarely ever see it.  The kids still wish they were old enough to truly enjoy and remember this Christmas morning!

Our white Christmas ~ 2005

12. Real tree or fake tree?  Tree # 1 - fake.  Tree # 2 - real! 

13. Do you remember your favorite gift?  A 12" black and white TV I received circa 1979.  Please don't tell my kids this as I've promised no matter how many times they ask Santa he will never bring them a TV for their rooms. 

14. What’s the most important thing about Christmas for you?  The birth of Jesus. 

15. What is your favorite holiday dessert?  Fudge, no nuts. 

16. What is your favorite tradition?  Christmas Eve service at church. I love that everyone gets dressed up and comes out {even those you don't generally see at church}.  I also love seeing all the moms with older kids sitting in the pews with their entire family together. Those moms, who kids now live away, but who have gathered together, seem to sit just a little taller and radiate the most beautiful glow {yes, Linda, I mean you}. I'm also a sucker for Silent Night sung my candle light. I cry every time. Every. Time. 
Christmas Eve 2010
17. What tops your tree?  Tree 1:  Ginormous red silk bow.  Tree 2: A star with an angel perched atop.

18. Do you prefer giving or receiving?  Nothing beats giving. 

19. What is your favorite Christmas song?  Oh Holy Night.  

20. Candy canes, yuck or yum?  Yum, if stirring a steaming hot cup of hot chocolate.  Otherwise, no thank you and please pass the fudge. 

21. Favorite Christmas movie?  It's a Wonderful Life. That's my proper, mother approved, answer. But, truth be told, the only Christmas movie I've watched so far this year is Christmas Vacation.  

22. What do you leave for Santa?  Homemade cookies and milk {in a chilled bucket, of course). Also cheese for Santa Mouse {cute book from my youth} and food for the reindeer. 

Goodies for Santa et al. 2010
23. Do you have a Christmas morning tradition?  It's pretty much a complete free-for-all until the kids have finished their gifts. We may develop a more organized method as they grow older, but right now I just sit down and bask in their utter joy! 

24. Do you prefer to shop on-line or at the mall?  Online!  I don't think I've made a a trip to the mall yet this year and have sworn off Target for the rest of the year!

25. Christmas letter or Christmas card?  Card. My mom scarred me forever with her horrendous letters {RIP, mom, but they were really bad.}

All my best to you and yours, 


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