Wednesday, September 21, 2011


My duo is in third grade this year.

And third grade is serious.

There is work involved.

Lots of work.

Every day.

Gone are the days of school boxes filled with markers and crayons.

I no longer receive mounds and mounds of artwork each week. 

Apparently, drawing is so second grade. 

But thankfully, their teachers do have a sense of humor. 

There is time for a little fun amidst the math tests and Spanish lessons. 

Of course, the messy-fun is to be had at home. 

Last night's spelling homework: 

Write your spelling words in shaving cream. 


But that will make such a mess, I thought.  

How can I get around this?

I'd rather just give them a practice test. 

But I have to sign-off on it and email a pic to the teacher. 


Of course, I can't lie. 

Our Family Rules knowingly glare at me as I feebly attempt to create an excuse. 

Having no plausible excuse, I begrudingly cover the kitchen island with shaving cream and they have at it. 

They each had 20 {different} words so this was not a quick undertaking.

The shaving cream remained in place for hours.  

But they had a great time.

And when you have a list of twenty spelling words, some of which I have to concentrate to spell (e.g., "transdisciplinary" - which even my spell check does not recognize}, well, you deserve a little messy-fun.

What is the craziest homework assignment assigned to your child(ren) this year?

Both photos were taken with my iPhone and are being shared as part of #iPPP

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